LNGFlex Limited (“LNGFlex”) believes that all injuries, accidents, occupational health illness and adverse environmental impacts can be prevented. The Company is committed to managing health, safety and environmental issues in a manner that meet the expectations of all its stakeholders including regulators, shareholders, employees, service providers and the community.
LNGFlex will:
- Strengthen its business by making health, safety & environment (HSE) considerations an integral part of all business activities and comply with all laws & regulations;
- Conduct its business in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, contractors, others involved in our operations and the community in which we operate;
- Continuously improve environmental performance to achieve sustainable development:
- Practice transparent public reporting of the HSE performance;
- Ensure that HSE is a major responsibility of appropriately trained, empowered, accountable and management;
- Promote a culture of learning & practicing HSE: and
- Recognize and reward good HSE performance.
To achieve these objectives, LNGFlex shall:
- Carry out pre-employment medical check-up of its employees.
- Identify and evaluate health risks related to its operations that may potentially affect its employees. contractors, public and the consumers.
- Implement programs and appropriate protective measures to control such risks, including appropriate monitoring of potentially affected employees and getting consumer feedback.
- Implement a system of operational and process safety risk management and institutionalize behavioral safety practices.
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and apply responsible standards where law and regulations do not exist.
- Conserve natural resources & energy by continuously improving processes and measuring performance.
- Continuously increase recycling and minimize pollution and waste.